The Petrichor Gazette
The Voyage,
I have embarked upon a journey
along the road taken by the ancient whales
thousands of leagues away, yet closer
to everything that has ever plagued my mind.
The silence is palpable,
the pressure, just right as I am so inclined
to cast myself adrift
slumped over into a stupor
along with the beckoning waves.
The Land of Plenty lies ahead.
The rippling tides clash against its shore
in a shocking embrace, a thousand snowfalls
curl; upwards tossed.
Ethereal blossoms invigorated by the
ocean dew grow beneath the frozen surface,
unjudgemental and silent.
There, in the deepest of depths
where none else can tread,
a boy weary but unworn rouses them
night and morning with his tears.
I am the mechanical penguin
who huddles close incognito
among the waddle on a melting iceberg.
They shiver and stand close for warmth,
and yet my churning gears still tick and turn.
Underneath the iceberg,
the seals’ streamlined bodies,
vaguely marred by old battle scars from
cetacean foes of days’ past,
glide gracefully and swiftly like torpedoes
lurk ominously in the freezing waters.
Their sharp fangs are stained crimson
from the fish they subsist on
when yet another lucky soul escapes their wrath.