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The Petrichor Gazette

Gilliane Magbanua
Feb 25, 2024
Carrieta White: Through a feminist lens By: Gilliane Magbanua
When it comes to notable female characters in the horror genre, one of the names often said or mentioned is Carrie White from the 1976...
Tejasvee Nagar
Feb 14, 2024
Epstein island and the reality of the cluster of stringing truths. By Tejasvee Nagar.
The infamous Epstein Island controversy that has taken over social media in recent times isn't a newer topic that the public is suddenly...
Saskia Müller
Nov 26, 2023
Girlhood and its complexities explored through film "Valerie and Her Week of Wonders." By Saskia Muller.
Girlhood, a multifaceted term encompassing the complexities of adolescence, self-discovery, and societal expectations, is a theme...
Juliana Warta
Mar 8, 2020
Books to movie adaptations. Do they work? By: Juliana Warta
In 1957 Cameron Crowe, American Filmmaker, received a letter from J.D. Sallinger, The author of The Catcher In The Rye and other famous...
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